Hello LipSense Fanatics

Hi my name is Marietjie (pronounced Marie-kee) and I want to tell you about my LipSense by Senegence Experience. I am a self employed, mother and grandmother and I joined Senegence a few years ago after being introduced to the amazing products.

I fell in love with the Lipsense initially, and over time with all the other products. As I am also one of those people who are always exploring ways to get my products at a lower price, I joined the company as a distributor to get my products at a discount. This was just the start! I have never thought that I would have so much fun or make so much extra money selling these awesome products! It is truly an amazing range of Lip Colors, Lip Glosses and skin care. To find out how to do what I did and become a Senegence distributor – Click Here!

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